PLAYBOY - Celebration 12"
PLAYBOY "Celebration" 12'' ep
Most representations of the 'outside' never really get the chance to interact with things that are truly ugly. The truth of 'disgust' isn't in being inapproachable or unlistenable, it's about creating a space where balances are disrupted and intent overshadows form. It's too slow to dance to, it's out of tune, it shrieks instead of shouts, its confidence is wrapped up in how uncomfortable it sounds to make. If Benny Goodman playing a post serial, orgiastic sneeze on the set of Touch of Evil sounds appealing; If an examination of timbral hell, the membrane of the uphill, the degradation of your untouched psyche is what we've all been waiting for, let us come together in this, a Celebration: Playboy.